A Local look at Northern Vermont Living

Forever’s a long time but not when you’re exactly where you belong:
From being raised in the greater Boston area to happily residing in the woods of Jay, Vermont, many life lessons have been learned along the way. Since arriving in VT, there have been challenges, especially adjusting to a rural lifestyle. With the drastic seasonal changes inescapable, snowy commutes customary, and finite opportunity in every which direction, no one said mountain living is easy, practical, or for everyone. Still, we local Vermonters wouldn't have it any other way! If you've ever thought of or are considering the northern shift, take a seat, grab a beverage and stay awhile as we analyze life from a locals lens.
The Eary Days:
Eight years ago, I decided to make my move north. What was supposed to be a winter-long experience turned into a lifelong stay. Do I take month-long sabbaticals here and there to visit family in the motherland? Sure do. “Is Vermont reaaally the place you see yourself living?” A question often asked by family, friends, and strangers alike. To which I genuinely reply, “sure is.” For me and my particular desires, there’s absolutely no place like Vermont.
It’s In the Air:
Why I choose snowy commutes over sandy beaches, and desolate hills over a vibrant metropolis may be sensible to some yet impractical to most. The short answer here is snowboarding. Skiing and riding bring most of us city slickers to the northland, but something special keeps us here. Keeps us here content and with no plans of leaving. Some say it must be in the water, and for some, it’s true, but I like to think it’s actually in the air. No matter the mercury reading or the seemingly sunless days of winter, there’s always a familiar warmth in the air. The warmth of a passerby’s head nod or the subtle yet uplifting smile from friends and strangers seen around town. The calm breeze of a summer’s day or the wicked wind of a blizzard, each radiant. Crisp mountain air, an atmosphere unparalleled to that of any metropolitan area. So potent that once exposed, there’s no turning back.
Pros of Local Vermont Living:
Such an atmosphere offers extraordinary advantages. Access to locally grown foods via farm stands/ farmers markets, food banks, butcheries, and many more wholesome outlets can be found all around. Nutrition paired with physical exercise reigns supreme. With adventure at your doorstep, outdoor recreation is limitless! An abundance of hiking, biking, and leisure walkways across the region make for an enjoyable day in the woods that’s always within reach. More of a water person? Pull out a map, and you’re guaranteed to find one of our numerous rivers, lakes, and swimming holes concealed around each corner. With four seasons covered, a long day on the mountain or on one of our well-kept nordic trails will keep your heart pumping. A place this pure will naturally keep the mind and body in check.
You’re not alone!
If you ever find yourself in need of an exploration partner, fear not. Our communities are filled with like-minded people who are passionate about the outdoors. There may be fewer people per square mile than you’re used to, but most of us are on the same page. This makes connecting with peers and networking a breeze. It takes a small village like ours to bring folks together. That, with the guidance of helpful neighbors, makes the transition to mountain-life seamless. Whether it be a helpful hand on a small project or in need of assistance from slipping off the road (which happens more often than you think), there’s always someone nearby, gladly willing to help a neighbor out. The change of pace from fend-for-yourself city life to neighbors helping neighbors is a wholesome transition.
But wait, there’s more!
Did I mention the views!? Whether working from home, daily commutes to the “office,” or just cruising through town, you’ll be pleasantly rewarded with fantastic scenery year-round. If your happy place is tucked away in the woods or surrounded by 360 views of mountains, there’s a spot for everyone to sit back and enjoy. All of this delight comes at a price, right? Not exactly. With a nationwide lower-than-average cost of living and state relocation grants readily available, many of these natural amenities are well within reach. While I’ve portrayed local Vermont living to be generally manageable, there are quite a few challenges associated with the rural lifestyle to examine.
Some challenges of local living:
With the recent uptick of mountain living interest from out-of-staters comes an influx of housing demand in our area that has driven costs nearly out of reach for many Vermonters. For us locals, this challenges long-term rental/home-buying opportunities. While more out-of-staters settling down in our area can be good for business and overall development, it leaves many of us, locals, to our own devices on the housing front. Driving up rental costs, limiting the available options, and even pushing some long-term residents out of the area. Over the past couple of years, housing costs have nearly doubled, hitting our ski towns the hardest across the states. For homeowners and investors, it is hard to pass on the higher revenue potential of short-term vacation rentals compared to traditional long-term opportunities. It is an unfortunate reality many of us locals will have to bear and come up with creative ideas to overcome.
Late-night options:
As someone who’s experienced the spoils of late-night delivered meals, ride-sharing services at the touch of a button, or all-you-can-eat pancakes for $5.99, the reality of such convenience in Northern Vermont is, well, non-existent. So before you venture north or move into your picturesque log cabin, get all that late-night IHOP’ing out of your system! Even stumbling into your favorite after-hours bar (depending on where you are) can be a struggle. This is where hitting the country store, grabbing drinks, and getting creative with pals go a long way! When was the last time you and your company sat down to play good old-fashioned board games anyways!? With a lack of late-night entertainment and less convenience readily available, boredom can be an issue for those accustomed to city life.
Harsh weather:
But wait! There are more unfortunate and not-so-thrilling elements of Vermont life. I’m sure you’re aware of our incredibly long winters, depending on what Mr. Punxsutawney Phil, the all-knowing meteorologist, says. The cold seasons here can seem eternal. For avid skiers and winter lovers like myself, this is a delight. Sadly for the other 50% of us, it leaves much less time to enjoy the great outdoors in our favorite uncle frank fits. One of my personal favorites comes in the summertime! The variable weather plus longer commutes can make getting around troublesome for those new to the area.
Most inconveniences we’ve covered can be easily avoided by planning, while others just come with the territory. Fortunately, I’ve put together a shortlist of tips for newcomers to combat some of these nuisances mentioned above.
Tips From a Local Vermonter:
- Plan ahead! From provisions, daily weather updates, and home entertainment to overall travel planning. Make sure to be ready for anything coming your way. With most restaurants, gas stations, supermarkets, and country stores closing before 9 pm, it’s always a good idea to take the early route and have supplies/entertainment waiting for you wherever you’re staying.
- Dress properly! This goes hand-in-hand with planning. With the weather changing drastically (even in the summer), it’s always wise to pack some extra layers!
- Stay in your lane! When roads get slick, don’t panic; just take your time. It’s always better to get where you’re going late than not at all. Also, snow tires are always recommended for winter travel!
- Stay alert! Who knows when Rudolph and co. might pay you a roadside visit. This is especially crucial in the dusk and dawn hours.
- Use your resources! Whether you’re lost in the woods or stuck in a ditch! Don’t hesitate to ask someone with those shiny green plates for help. Most of us are happy to assist or guide you in the direction of someone who can!
In conclusion:
Whenever you decide to join us in Northern Vermont, I hope this bit of insider’s perspective finds you well. Take from it what you will, and pass it along! Either way, you’ll be glad you stopped by. Catch you in the hills!

Leonardo Cassanelli is a freelance writer, digital marketing specialist, and outdoor enthusiast living in northern Vermont. With over a decade’s experience in the ski industry and a background in kinesiology, Leo’ holds a great passion for the snowsports world and writing about all that revolves around it.
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